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Our Team

Meet the amazing people behind our organisation.
NFDHH's work is made possible thanks to our incredible team and the network of people and organisations who are dedicated to our vision.


NFDHH is governed, and guided by, two professional bodies, Our Board and our Member Organisations. Our Member Organisations are all leaders in the hearing sector, who are dedicated to achieving our shared mission of better hearing healthcare for all.


Our mission: To provide funding for research into hearing disorders that will ultimately transform clinical otology practice and lead to positive outcomes for the hearing impaired.

We achieve our mission by:

• The provision of cornerstone funding for the Eisdell Moore Research Centre

• Supporting high quality, world leading research in hearing loss and its clinical management

• Supporting the career development of emerging scientists

• Supporting research opportunities for clinicians

• Raising public awareness of hearing disorders and promoting the need to support research

Hearing Research Foundation

PO Box 17-220, Greenlane, Auckland 1546



The New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children is an incorporated society made up of regional member groups. Our vision is of a future without barriers for every deaf child.

What we do

In New Zealand, around 170 deaf babies are born every year, mostly to parents with little experience of deafness. We provide support, information and networking opportunities for these parents, as well as help for the children. Our services include:

  • Family information kits

  • Assistive equipment subsidy

  • Tutor fee assistance

  • Scholarships for tertiary students

  • Freephone helpline providing information about many issues related to childhood deafness

Advocacy on behalf of deaf children and their parents

If you’d like to talk to another parent or learn more about childhood deafness, please contact us.


Otolaryngology, Head and Neck (ORL) Surgery is a surgical specialty, also known as ear, nose and throat surgery (ENT). Our members are doctors who work in this specialty as consultants, hospital doctors and trainees. We also have members who are experts in a related science.

Our members deal with conditions affecting the ears, nose, throat, head and neck. Some examples include:

  • Hearing loss and ear infections

  • Nose injuries and nasal allergies

  • Throat inflammations, snoring problems and tonsillitis

  • Neck swellings, thyroid and salivary gland disorders

  • The society exists to help members share information and increase knowledge in this specialist area. 

Learn more on the NZSOHNS website and find membership forms if you wish to join. 


Our objective is to ensure a high standard of hearing healthcare for children and adults with hearing loss. We are here to help you hear! Our members use the letters MNZAS to show that they’re a member of the New Zealand Audiological Society. 

Why you should see an NZAS audiologist

Our members all have a university qualification in audiology and a current practising certificate. They are bound by a strict code of ethics and must fulfill continuing education requirements. Members also have to have their work reviewed by their colleagues every two years to keep their membership.

Find an MNZAS Audiologist

To contact a private audiology clinic directly, visit the New Zealand Audiological Society website.

To see a hospital audiologist, you usually need a referral from your doctor or ear specialist.



The Pindrop Foundation was established in 2006 to keep that hope alive through supporting access to cochlear implant information and services.


Our values are commitment and passion for bringing the gift of sound to those with hearing loss.


Visit Pindrop's website to find out more below.


Our objective is to promote the science and practice of acoustics. Our members are especially interested in problems associated with noise and noise control.



We are an incorporated society with branches in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Our membership is open to anyone with an interest in acoustics.


To find out more visit our website



Hearing therapists assist people to manage the impact of hearing loss. Hearing Therapists Association of New Zealand (Inc) (HTANZ) is the professional organisation through which hearing therapists can be represented and the profession of hearing therapy be developed.


Find an HTANZ hearing therapist by visiting our website below.



The Southern Hearing Charitable Trust’s Southern Cochlear Implant Programme (SCIP) is publicly funded and serves profoundly deaf children and adults in the Lower North and South Islands of New Zealand.


A cochlear implant can help children and adults with moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss who derive minimal benefit from conventional hearing aids.

View the SCIP website below.

NFD Trustees

The NFD Trust offers grants and scholarships to New Zealanders who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Grants are also available to those who are hearing able and work in the Deaf and hard of hearing sector.

Our Trustee’s volunteer their time to help manage the funds that are offered to help promote positive outcomes for the Deaf and hard of hearing community. For example, providing funds to Deaf or hard of hearing students, so they were able to attend university and go after their dream career or providing funds to organise camps for Deaf or hard of hearing children.


NFD Trustees have a fundamental role in ensuring funds are spent prudently both with investment and distribution. They help to ensure that any grant and scholarship applications that are accepted will be effective in helping our community.

To find out more about our Grants and Scholarships, click here.

Our current

NFD Trustees are

Peter Thorne

Steve Smith

Tony McCabe

Fiona Gavriel

Danielle Gapes


The National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing is an established and trusted charity that advocates for hearing wellbeing.

​Our hard-working team are dedicated to supporting the Deaf and hard of hearing community through our campaigns, services and programmes.


Chief Executive


Donor Relations Manager


Community & Corporate Partnerships Manager


Community Partnership Administrator


Community Partnerships Administrator


Community Partnerships Administrator


Programme and Communications Coordinator


Administration Support


Funding Support Administrator


Human Resources Advisor

Our Board

NFDHH is governed, and guided by, two professional bodies, our Board and our Member Organisations. Our Board members are all leaders in their respective fields, who are dedicated to achieving NFDHH's mission. They dedicate their time and expertise voluntarily, and NFDHH owes its continuing existence to the commitment of these hard-working individuals.

Steve Smith

Board Chair

David Kent

Board Member

Sarah Neilson

Board Member

Daniel Reid

Board Member

April Johnson

Board Member

Joanne Mahon

Board Member

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